Wellness Care

Wellness Care

We pride ourselves in providing thorough and in-depth medical care for all our patients. With an emphasis on preventive medicine, our expert staff is here to give your pets the best possible care throughout every stage of their lives.

Regular examinations are an important part in keeping your pet happy and healthy, assessing every body system from their nose to their tail! A lot can change in a year, and unlike humans, our furry companions can’t tell us when they’re feeling a little off. Having regular wellness visits ensures we have the best chance of early detection of any health issues, which can make any possible treatment easier, more effective, and more cost-effective! This also helps us detect subtle changes in blood work over a period of time.

Even if your fine feline is indoor, they will still benefit from vaccinations. Diseases like rabies and feline leukemia require direct contact, but did you know that many can be transmitted through the environment such as feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia, and intestinal parasites?

Have any questions or concerns? Please respond to this email or give us a call at 416-532-1169.